Last Saturday (2 Dec 06) Jeron told me that there is an IT fair going on on “Suntec”, thank to her that she informed me the event going on so I decide to go to the show due to the fact that everyone knew that I keep wanted to buy a notebook as currently I don’t have any PC and home. Since I am leaving my current company so it become even more inconvenient to me without a PC / Notebook.
So on Sunday afternoon I happily go “Suntec” for the IT fair, “Oh my god” when I check with the information counter assistant where the event hold, she told me that there isn’t any IT fair going on in “Suntec”, so I call Jeron again to check where she got the information, she told me that she heard it over the “Radio – Yes 933”, so I ask where is the location the DJ mention and realize that it is held at “Singapore Expo” la. GOD, at that moment I ask myself “to go” or “not to go”, due to the fact that already travel half the distance so I tell myself why not just go……………………..
Aiyo, Singapore Expo was flooded with people, so many event hold at the same time, they have “John Little sales”, “Car show”, “IT fair” and etc.
Whoever knew me long enough will know that my IT knowledge is “Limited Co’s”, thanks to Shirley hubbywho give me some advise and those sales persons whose hard sell their products, in the end I choose . This is which they have taken over from IBM, I put my bet on the big brother name “IBM” although my Notebook name is but the technology and skill should be very much same as IBM, right.
Choosingalso due to the fact that it value for money, I paid $2k to have the lighter weight (1.95kg) compare to all other brand which cost more is the weight is less than 2kg and the software is more advance that other.
At last I have my own Notebook, although this is not the initial brand that I looking for, but is what I choose for myself. Hopefully I bet on the right side.
So on Sunday afternoon I happily go “Suntec” for the IT fair, “Oh my god” when I check with the information counter assistant where the event hold, she told me that there isn’t any IT fair going on in “Suntec”, so I call Jeron again to check where she got the information, she told me that she heard it over the “Radio – Yes 933”, so I ask where is the location the DJ mention and realize that it is held at “Singapore Expo” la. GOD, at that moment I ask myself “to go” or “not to go”, due to the fact that already travel half the distance so I tell myself why not just go……………………..
Aiyo, Singapore Expo was flooded with people, so many event hold at the same time, they have “John Little sales”, “Car show”, “IT fair” and etc.
Whoever knew me long enough will know that my IT knowledge is “Limited Co’s”, thanks to Shirley hubby
At last I have my own Notebook, although this is not the initial brand that I looking for, but is what I choose for myself. Hopefully I bet on the right side.
Dont mentioned!
Have fun on your new toy!
Finally you bought your laptop! Have fun... Don't forget to send us your new email address.
See you this weekend :)
dear, where r u? I am hungry liao.
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