Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I have been jobless for "officially" 3 mth as at today and have been eaten this kind of food dont know for how long.

Not because i run out of $$$ for my living expenses but.............toooooo lazy to even go downstair to 打包.

For those days which i out for interview, i will have my lunch cum dinner together after each interview session.

For those days which Jeron sis (Faith) cook for us, i will have my lunch cum dinner at her place (Thank you so much for the effort for cooking and invite me over to your place)

Less away those day, at least each month i have 10 days taking this kind of 速食????

Ok, promise myself will find a job and put my diet back to track.


Anonymous said...

take care of your body...
buy raw food and try simple cooking. will that be better?

Sunflower said...

faint... stop eating tat... tat will make you grow fatter!!!